Flipr Market



Drupal 7 bootstrap 3






Custom modules



Accounts in a month
Flipr-market front page

Flipr is a smart connected tool to maintain your pool without trouble. It's a product developed by a french company and built in France.

In their growth plan, they wanted to provide more services to their customers. Their product provides a bunch of data and statistics about your swimming pool such as PH, alkalinity, chlorine level etc. So, they wanted to link their supplier partners to their customer database.

The project was to integrate a marketplace to their pre-existing mobile app. One of the most important feature to develop was an oAuth authentication service to log their clients through their REST API, so they don't need to create a new account.

Once this feature developed, next step was to develop a ranged filter to display the closest supplier products from customer's swimming pool.

Basically, when flipr owners use their mobile app to check their swimming pool, they can instantaneously find the closest pool maintenance product supplier and order in the minute. They can choose for a delivery or pick it up in order to always keep their pool with the best water quality.

The marketplace is totally responsive so customers can access it from their mobile and supplier from their desktop to add products to their market place.